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Welcome new members!

Thank you for joining the IWC. You are now part of a club of over 200 members and sponsored businesses. You're almost ready to start checking the calendar to register for social events, excursions, and service opportunities.

First though, let's make sure you're ready.

Confirmation Email

Members who have successfully completed the registration on the Join Us page will have received a confirmation email. They will also have been led to a step where they chose a password to use to log into this website and our app. Did you?

If you did not, then you may not have finished the application process. Either start again on the Join Us page and make sure to click "next" each time until completion or contact our Membership team.

Join Us 


Before your membership is complete, you must pay our membership dues. The current cost of membership is 1,000 MXN for a year. If you use PayPal, you will be able to pay online while completing the membership application found on the Join Us page. If you do not use PayPal, then a cash transfer from a Mexican bank or a direct cash deposit into our bank account will work as well.

After making your payment, take a screenshot of your PayPal transaction or a photograph of your bank receipt indicating deposit or transfer. Please send that image to and


Transfer $1,000 MXN from a Mexican bank account to the IWC HSBC account.

Account Name: IWCCDMX
Numero de Cuenta: 4060385762 (HSBC only)*
Clabe: 021180040603857629 (nonHSBC)*
Reference: Your name


Deposit $1,000 in MXN in cash at any HSBC bank.

Account Name: IWCCDMX
Numero de Cuenta: 4060385762
Clabe: 021180040603857629
Reference: Your name


If you have an account with HSBC, then you use the numero de cuenta when you transfer money from your HSBC account to our HSBC account.

If you have an account with a Mexican bank that is not HSBC, then you must use the full clabe when you transfer money from your nonHSBC account to our HSBC account. If you use the numero de cuenta, then the transfer will fail, and we will not receive your payment.

Get involved!

Now that you have completely finished the registration process and sent your payment receipt, your membership will be approved. 

You'll be able to log into this website using the email address and password you chose during the membership application process. Click the member icon in the top right of any screen to log in.

Once you're logged in, view our calendar full of great events and our members-only pages full of useful information regarding Mexico City.

Download the Wild Apricot Members app for an easy way to access your membership information and register for events. You'll be able to log into the app using the same email address and password you use for this website.

Send a request to join our private Facebook group available only to members, as well as follow us publicly on Instagram and Facebook. 

What are you waiting for? We can't wait to meet you!

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